Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Julius Malema

The man is a leader
The man is a communicator
The man is a servant of truth
The man is an icon of "freedom of speech"
The man is JULIUS MALEMA president of the ANC Youth league!!!!!
He displays what each and every young person should have, a strong personality without fear or favour!!!
Let's give praise to the man for being a true reflection of TRUTH.


  1. I agree that julius malema his no fear,he says what he thinks which shows that he has guts.However, i do not see this man as a leader but a distractor or just an object used by the ANC to get to those who oppose them.Im sorry but in communication,we say that what we have to say is as important as the way we are going to say it,if i think he sometimes makes good points,sometimes i say it again,i think Julius should do it by following some leadership ethics like true leaders do.I do not think insulting people publicly is what a good leader should do especially in a south africa that is let's admit it still healing from the wounds left by apartheidOf course it is just my view darling

  2. Me agree.Such a strong character.A person that speaks his mind. In todays day and age,thats very rare.
    It was Homer J. Simpson who said "I might not agree with what you say,but i will defend till death,your right to say it.This always rings true when it comes to Malema.
